Phil News


For press releases older than those posted, please contact us with your request.

For articles older than those posted, please contact your local news provider.


December 19: December Concert Review

December 4: Singer, actress in spotlight Dec. 14 with Philharmonic

November 29: Tracy Haddad named Philharmonic interim leader

November 11: November Concert Review

November 5: Hailing the Messiah: Handel’s masterpiece to be centerstage with Philharmonic

October 15: Philharmonic cellist preps for concert solo Saturday

September 11: Jazzy singer, pianist returns for Philharmonic opener

September 4: Philharmonic center, office update about halfway done

September 3: Philharmonic construction project on budget and on schedule

August 27: Annual Meeting: Music pioneer lauds the Philharmonic’s work with youth, others

August 27: Philharmonic, NTN Driveshaft partner for music education program at FFY

August 24: Cabaret to be in spotlight at Philharmonic meeting

August 20: Philharmonic kicks off new season with many happy returns

May 3: April Concert Review

April 16: Top violinist returns to perform with Philharmonic

April 12: Philharmonic Youth Orchestra to perform

April 6: March Concert Review

April 5: Philharmonic breaks ground on downtown music and events center

March 26: Philharmonic to break ground for arts center

March 20: Philharmonic chorus, children’s choir hosting joint concert at First Christian

March 7: March Concert Review

March 3: Philharmonic announces matching grant campaign for arts center

February 7: February Concert Review

January 31: Hannah Nieman joins Columbus Indiana Philharmonic

January 22: Philharmonic pianist in spotlight for Feb. 2 concert






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